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Investor Relations Manager

  Our Privacy Policy

As part of our recruitment process, we are required to provide you with certain information as per Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when we collect personal data about you. Your privacy is important to ALK.

We are required to provide you the following information under the GDPR, when we collect personal data about you as part of our recruitment process:

1. Identity and contact details about the data controller
2. Purpose for processing personal data
3. Legal basis for processing personal data
4. Data sources
5. Processing activities
6. Categories of personal data processed
7. Transfer of personal data
8. Retention period
9. Dats Subjects rights
10. Right to complain

1. Identify and contact details about the data controller
ALK is as the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data. Therefore, it is ALK that alone sets the purpose and the measures for processing your personal data, that are collected in connection with your job application at ALK.

Our contact information:
ALK-Abelló A/S
CVR number: 63717916
Bøge Allé 6-8
2970 Hørsholm
Tel. +45 45 74 75 76

Data Protection Officer:
Bech-Bruun Advokatpartnerselskab
CVR nr.: 38538071
Gdanskgade 18
2150 Nordhavn
Tel.: +45 72 27 30 02
Email :
Encrypted email via:

If you have questions regarding our processing of your personal data, you can always reach out to ALK or to our Data Protection Officer.

2. Purpose for processing
As part of the recruitment process ALK collects your personal data. The purpose of processing your personal data is to conduct an effective assessment of your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the advertised position. Furthermore, your personal data is processed to communicate with you throughout the recruitment process. Additionally, the purpose of processing your personal data it to facilitate the handling, selection, and initiation of employment applications for the vacant position.

The processing of your personal data aims to facilitate an effective recruitment process and to evaluate your suitability for the vacant position.

3. Legal Basis for Processing Personal data
We process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Our processing of your personal data is always based on a legal basis.

ALK process your personal data as part of the recruitment process, based on the following legal basis:
• Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the processing of your personal data is necessary as part of the recruitment process, upon your request, prior to the potential contract's conclusion.
• Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ALK, as a potential employer, may have a legitimate interest in seeking publicly available information about you as a job applicant.

We collect and process your personal data to fulfil legal, regulatory, and compliance requirements specific to the country where you have applied.

4. Data Sources
ALK collects personal data that you submit as part of the recruitment process. Personal data includes any information that you submit.

5. Processing activities
In the recruitment process, your personal data will be registered, stored, used, and ultimately deleted. To facilitate the process for you, we use EasyCruit for collecting and storing your personal data. EasyCruit ensures that your personal data is securely stored and ultimately deleted.

6. Categories of personal data processed
As part of the recruitment process, we process your personal data in our recruitment system, EasyCruit. We process the following personal data about you:

• Contact information
o Name
o Address,
o Phone number,
o Email-address
• Photograph, if you choose to upload it
• CV and application including:
o Work experience
o Qualifications, skills
o Educational history

7. Transfer of personal data
Generally, your personal data will only be disclosed under limited circumstances. The personal data will be disclosed to the extent necessary for the purpose stated in section 2, to ALK entities globally, including subsidiaries in countries other than your country of residence. These locations may have different data protection laws than your country of residence.

Your personal data will be processed by our external provider for our recruitment tool, EasyCruit. EasyCruit acts as a data processor and a data processing agreement has been entered into to protect your personal data. In addition, your personal data will be disclosed to public authorities and law enforcement agencies as required by applicable law.

Your personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside of EU or EEA. We will ensure that any third parties with whom we may share your personal data are required to protect your privacy and comply with applicable data protection laws.

8. Retention period
Your personal data is stored in the cloud service EasyCruit provided by Reqruiting ApS and developed by Visma. ALK will delete your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the specific ALK entity in which you have applied for a job. Additionally, your personal data will be retained for approximately six (6) months after the completion of the recruitment process. However, some countries may have longer retention periods.

If you are selected and hired for a position you have applied for, your personal data will be stored beyond the mentioned retention period to support the employment process. Furthermore, your CV and application will be retained.

9. Data subject rights
Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have certain data protection rights:

a) Right to access
You have the right to request access to your personal data held by ALK, along with additional details.

b) Right to rectification
You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

c) Right to erasure
You have the right to request the deletion of personal data, except when retention is required by law.

d) Right to restrict processing
You have the right to request the restriction of processing your personal data. If you have the right to restrict processing, we may only process your personal data in the future with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, exercising, or defending legal claims, or to protect a person or vital societal interests.

e) Right to object
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. If you object to ALK's processing of your personal data due to specific reasons related to your specific circumstances, ALK is generally not permitted to continue with the processing of your personal data. However, an exception exists if ALK demonstrates compelling legitimate ground for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, of if the processing is necessary for the establishing, exercising, or defending legal claims.

f) Right to data portability
In specific situation, you are entitled to receive your personal data in a structured, widely used, and machine-readable format, and to facilitate the transfer of your personal data from one data controller to another without impediment.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact details provided in section 1.

10. Right to complain
You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority in your country of residence if you are dissatisfied with the way in which we process your personal data. Contact information for the Data Protection Authority in your country of resident can be found on their website.

If you have any questions or concern about this privacy notice or our processing of your personal data, please contact us using the contact details provided in section 1.

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